
Showing posts from 2023

Second netball court match fit

Following the success of the first netball court we built in Kaliyeka, we are so proud to announce we have completed a second at Ching'ombe Primary School. Our partners, Netball for All raised the funds to start the the work - a charity set up in memory of Belinda Weller, a netball enthusiast who loved Malawi almost as much as she loved the game! It was fitting then that her family were able to watch both courts in action on the fourth anniversary of Belinda's passing. 

Look out for our second netball court

Following the success of Netball for All's court at Kaliyeka Primary School, we are helping to fund a second court at Ching'ombe Primary School. Scarcely a year has passed since the Mayor of Lilongwe officially opened the netball court . It has since then enjoyed constant use - with school girls from the community and many of the national netball teams . Many girls have remained in school longer than they might simply so that they can continue to play for the school netball team. This is why we were delighted to support Netball for All's proposal to build a second court at Ching'ombe. And why Aaron , pictured above signing the build contract, has once again assumed the role of project manager to deliver this much needed community facility. Good luck, Aaron! You can follow the court's progress on Netball for All .

Home-grown plant sale raises £600 for Malawi

  Thank you to everyone who supported the Watson's Malawi plant sale. Together, we raised over £600 - every penny of which will be given to our partners in Malawi. A very special thank you to Merchiston Tennis Club who allowed us to host our event on their premises and even provided coffee and buns for the occasion. And to Pauline for all her beautiful annuals, in full bloom, and to Veronica for her highly sought-after marmelade! If you would like to get involved with next year's sale, please don't hesitate to get in touch  here >>. . We'll take anything you think would grow well and look nice in a friend's garden - rooted cuttings, established splits, settled seedlings or whatever lovelies you have too many of! We expect the next sale to take place at a similar time, around early June, somewhere near the school. All suggestions welcome! For more information, visit our website here >>

Helping Charity meet staffing costs

  Retired midwife, Joan Pears, was so moved by her recent visit to Achikondi Clinic that she felt compelled to help fellow midwife and clinic founder, Charity Salima (pictured here with Sally). On her return, she created an appeal through Watson’s Malawi Partnership and raised £1,300 to help Charity meet her growing staff costs.

SMP Youth Festival - the power of partnership

In March, the Scotland Malawi Partnership hosted its annual Youth Festival, encouraging its youngers members to reflect on their relationship with Malawi and consider what Global Citizenship means to them. The SMP believes school partnerships can have a profoundly beneficial impact for young people in both countries, widening perspectives and developing life-long skills. Millie Crowe was with a number of our students who visited Malawi last year and took part in the Youth Festival. A highlight was talking Princess Anne through a poster they had designed to promote the power of partnership between our two nations, as she explains in her article for George Watson's College : The Scotland Malawi Partnership is an incredible initiative which raises awareness and encourages support to reduce poverty in Malawi. This year, I was fortunate enough to visit the country and engage with our partner schools which proved to be an enlightening and poignant experience. Our time at MCV Secondary Sc...

A diary of the WMP Friends' Easter visit to Malawi

Every Easter, Sally takes a group of adults to Malawi to meet our partners and experience their work alleviating poverty among young people in the region.  This year, it was the turn of Veronica, Viv and Joan and nothing could prepare them for the brute devastation of tropical cyclone Freddy, one of the worst storms to hit the southern hemisphere.

Disaster appeal for Southern Malawi following tropical cyclone Freddy devastation

This month, Malawi has experienced one of the strongest - and longest-lasting - storms ever recorded in the Southern Hemisphere. For those of you who have asked, we have included details of how you can support the families in need at the bottom of this article.

Support for the Mulanje farmers

During our tour of the Mulanje Massif, Gusto, our guide, spoke to us of the difficulties confronting the local community in the face of rapidly escalating fertiliser costs and we were only too pleased to help.

Responding to Malawi's cholera epidemic

Malawi is experiencing its worst outbreak of cholera in twenty years, greatly adding to the challenges facing our partners every day. Schools have had to close their doors and the cost of medical equipment is escalating as demand for treatment rises. We are responding by sending funds to Achikondi Clinic in Lilongwe and Kuche Kuche Clinic in Mangochi where the disease is especially virulent. 

School upcycling club an uncontained success!

  The Christmas upcycling auction raised a mighty £574 for Malawi this year thanks to a record number of fabulously refurbished items by the Watson's DTE upcycling club.