Building work completed on Charity's new lab
Just one year on and the building for Charity's new lab is standing tall. Join us here for a virtual tour!
Always a highlight of our school trip, this year's visit to Achikondi Clinic allowed us to see the structure for the new lab finished and freshly painted. Charity spoke to us of her ambition to offer basic blood work during a visit in 2022 and our students were quick to take up the fundraising challenge to help her do that.
Achikondi Clinic offers life-saving maternity services, early-stage cervical cancer treatment, immunisation and community care to the sick and injured in Area 24 of Lilongwe. The ability to run simple blood tests on the premises will allow Charity and her team to respond far more quickly and effectively.
However, there is still a way to go before the lab is ready. Sally is working with Charity to acquire the equipment required to conduct these blood tests and hopes to be able to take this out next year.