An update from Charity

Our thanks to Charity for her update on how Achikondi Women's Clinic is managing during this time of crisis. Many congratulations on winning the Malawi Broadcasting Innovators Award:

Life here is so difficult because of the situation the Corona virus has put us in. 

As of now, it's like everything is at a standstill. We are trying as much as possible to follow the guidelines of social distancing, washing hands and so on. As you know, we depend on the community sharing costs but it is very difficult because business is not moving.

Having said that we are still working hard and and I have been awarded the Malawi Broadcasting Innovators and Achievers Award. I am hoping against hopes that things will get better so that life may return to normal.

I am really looking forward to you continue rendering help to us as we are really struggling. As for the newsletter, I am excited to take part in it. 

We are also praying hard. 

Best regards, Charity

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