Keeping girls in school

This week, we're talking to girls about how to stay in school during their monthly cycle.
An important part of our two week stay in Malawi is helping school-girls find ways to remain at school while they are having their period.

Earlier this year, we purchased 500 reusable sanitary pads from local manufacturer, Tina Pads, and distributed them to students at Malawi Children's Village and Kuti schools. The girls talked together about their own experiences, helping to break down the taboo that surrounds menstruation in Malawi, and discussed ways to use the pads so that they can continue their education after puberty.

While we realise the more sustainable option is to purchase these pads locally, we remain grateful to our partners in Scotland - such as the indefatiguable St Columba's by the Castle - who are helping us to meet growing demand, and not just from girls in school, but from their sisters, mothers and aunts as word spreads!

For more information about our commitment to keep more girls in school, click here.

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