Big plans for Achikondi Clinic


On the last day of the October trip, we visited Charity Salima's award-winning clinic that has achieved so much for so many families in Area 23 of Lilongwe: dramatically reducing neonatal deaths and spearheading radical new family planning initiatives.   

In the last year alone, Achikondi clinic has admitted 53 women for delivery, successfully delivering 51 babies while referring the other two women to hospital for specialist treatment. They have conducted 1774 ultra-sounds and supported 254 antenatal women. 

In addition, the clinic has provided emergency medical support for 1678 people and more than 7000 families with family planning guidance and prophylactics, challenging local taboos head-on.

But that's still not enough for Charity. As well as treating us to some memorable entertainment, see link below, Charity took time out of her hectic schedule to tell us about her ambitions for the clinic:

"I would like to thank George Watson College through you, Sally.

We've had a challenging few years: sky-rocketing costs of drugs; desperate inflation and an increasing inability amongst our clients to pay for our healthcare services. 

"I am only too aware of how much you have done for us in the last few years: the oxygen concentrator, the washing machine, the cash you provided us through Aaron to buy essential personal protective equipment. 

"But now, let me tell you about my dream of building our own laboratory in the grounds of this clinic. A lab would allow us to measure haemoglobin levels and test for malaria and sugar levels in times of emergency.

"We also appreciate your ongoing financial support to help us meet escalating cost of living and purchase food supplements for the underweight newborns."

You can read more about Charity Salima's remarkable story in this Aljazeera newspaper article, printed in 2019.

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