Christmas update from Open Arms

I hope that you and everyone at George Watson's are keeping safe and well.

I wanted to personally thank you and the school for all your fundraising efforts and activities this year. 

It has been an extremely challenging year for us all, and we relied heavily on our loyal supporters to see us through the worst of it. The support we receive from schools is part of the backbone of our organisation, and we would not be able to do what we do without this commitment. 

Going forward, I'd love to keep in touch more often and find out how we can better support the school, or get more involved. Hopefully we'll be able to welcome you back to Malawi next year too!

The children are now back at school, having all returned by the end of October 2020, and are enjoying a return to their routine. Our lockdown in Malawi has been a success and we are still implementing strict safety measures - the children have made incredible progress with home learning.  To find out more about how we are doing, click here.

Have a very wonderful and safe holiday season, and I look forward to touching base again in the new year.

Warm wishes, Grace

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